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Chart of the Week

Top Ten Charts of the Week: 2017

In the Spring of 2017, we began our Chart of the Week feature on the blog: snapshots in time and over time of how economies work, to help illuminate the uncharted waters ahead for the global economy.

Here are the top ten Charts of the Week of 2017, based on your readership.

  1. The Year in Review: Global Economy in 5 Charts
  2. Chart of the Week: Electric Takeover in Transportation
  3. Chart of the Week: Sharing the Wealth: Inequality and Who Owns What
  4. Chart of the Week: Iceland’s Tourism Eruption
  5. Chart of the Week: The Potential for Growth and Africa’s Informal Economy
  6. Chart of the Week: FDI in Financial Centers
  7. China’s Rebalancing Explained in 6 Charts
  8. Chart of the Week: Brexit and The City
  9. Chart of the Week: The Walking Debt: Resolving China’s Zombies
  10. Chart of the Week: House of Cards